Power PTC Internal Student Information System Configuration


This section is only for sites that are not directly connecting to their SIS system.

This section will cover how to import student information for a CSV text file. Power PTC allows you to upload a single file that will include both student demographic information as well as student schedules. In order to perform the steps outlined below, you must confirm that your Power PTC system is configured to use the Internal SIS option. To confirm that your system is configured to use the Internal SIS system perform the following:

  1. Log into the Power PTC web interface using an administrative account.
  2. Click on System Config.
  3. Click on SIS Setup.
  4. Set SIS Type: to Internal SIS and click Save Configuration.

Importing Student Information

In order to upload course information it needs to be uploaded as a CSV file with the following fields in this order:

  1. Student Number (number,required) – This should be a number that is unique to the student.
  2. Student First Name (string,required) – The Student’s first name.
  3. Student Last Name (string,required) – The Student’s last name.
  4. Student Building Number (number,required) – This should be a number that presents the student’s home building.
  5. Course Name (string,required) – This the first schedule related field, and should be the name of the course the student is enrolled in.
  6. Course Section (string,required) – This field should be the section number of the course the student is enrolled in.
  7. Course Building (number,required) – This field should be the building number of the course, and this should match the field Student Building Number.
  8. Course Teacher ID (number,required) – This field should uniquely identify a teacher. This field is used to tie this course to a resource.
  9. Course Period (string,optional) – This field is used for the period number of the course.
  10. Course Room (string,optional) – This field is used for the room number of the course.
  11. Course Term (string,optional) – This field is used to store the semester/term identifier.
  12. Course Year ID (number,optional) – This field is used to store the year identifier.
  13. Course Letter Grade (string,optional) – This field should be the student’s current letter grade in the course.
  14. Course Grade Percent (number,optional) – This field should be the student’s current grade as a percent in the course. It must be a whole number between 0 and 100.

Once you have the data for your student information in the format listed above, you are now ready to upload your data into Power PTC. Importing student information into Power PTC will wipe out any data previously stored in database.

  1. Log into Power PTC’s web interface using an administrative account.
  2. Click on the SIS icon.
  3. In the SIS section, select Import.
  4. Click on the Browse button to select your file containing your student information

When the upload is complete, that page will report the number of students and course imported.