Power PTC – Conference Scheduling – Controlling Parent Access

Parent Access Overview

After installing Power PTC, parent-teacher conference access is disabled. Parents are still able to log into Power PTC, activate an account as well as manager their settings, but they are unable to schedule conferences with teachers. In order to allow access to parent-teacher conferences you must enable it.

Modifying Parent’s Access

To enable/disable access to Parent-Teacher conference schedules perform the following steps:

  1. Log into the Power PTC web interface using an administrative account.
  2. Click on the PTC Config icon.
  3. Click on the State menu item.
  4. To enable Parent-Teacher conferences, click on the checkbox to enable, or uncheck the box to disable confernces.
  5. If you are disabling conference scheduling, you also have the option to enter a comment or message to the parents that will be displayed when they attempt to schedule.
  6. Finally, save your changes by clicking Save Conference State